Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A question to the reader

The fact that you have come to this site probably means you have a certain hunger for spiritual things. I wonder how many of you would be interested in an in-depth study on the subject of "Praying in the Spirit" or "Praying in Tongues?" The emphasis here would not be on cold doctrine, but rather with a view to helping us understand the vital role of this supernatural means of prayer in the daily practice of the New Testament church. The subject is misunderstood by so many Christians today, and a healthy understanding would be beneficial to those of you who would like to enter into the presence of God in a deeper experience of intercessory prayer and praise.

God wants to use us to pray and interceed for many things that He is doing around the world. He can not inform us intellectually of everything He is doing, and He can not let us know every detail of those wonders and mysteries He is accomplishing around the world. He can not even inform us of most of the details around our own lives. We would not be able to handle it. Therefore, praying in the Spirit is God's way of delivering Himself from man's limitedness and finiteness of language and intellect. Tongues allows the Holy Spirit to by-pass our natural minds and to pray directly through our spirits in behalf of those issues, events, and purposes which are beyond the realm of our comprehension or which are beyond the bounds of our need to know.

In an attempt to have a more contemporary atmosphere many traditional denominational churches have become more relaxed and informal in their worship style and more lively in their praise songs, while many Charismatic churches, in an attempt to be more seeker sensitive,have become less demonstrative in the gifts and supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit. The result is that there are many churches around the country that have a lot of life and joy, but are still lacking in expression of God's presence in the manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
This is especially true in the arena of praying in the spirit.

I am considering beginning a series of articles with some very practical teaching on the subject. If you are interested, either click "comment" below and share your thoughts, or send me an email at

Billy Long


Dwayne said...

Billy, I think this would be awesome.. I was just talking with friends of mine last night about this subject. Count me in!

Billy Long said...

Thanks, Dwayne.